Sunday, April 6, 2014

Taking a break from all that work.

I'm tired of working on the house and tired of even talking about the house. So I've spent the weekend mostly relaxing with my son (who is currently standing in the yard playing his fiddle). I went for long walks both yesterday and today, an activity I'd let slide in favor of getting the house ready to go. I've also done some cooking, watched a really good movie ("The Scapegoat," about a man who meets his doppelgänger), read a novel.
The only yard work I've done was uprooting a few dandelions. Mostly I've strolled around the yard thinking about whether I'll be able to harvest some of the bulbs of my favorite spring flowers. Like these tulips, which started blooming a few days ago. And the pink-centered daffodils I posted earlier. I'll leave most, but I'd also like to take a few with me since they are hard to find.
But mostly I'm just enjoying the increasingly green landscape and the sun shining through petals. It's such a wonderful time of year.


  1. My spouse dug up some of our bulbs and brought them here. The daffodils did fine, but the tiger lillies did not come back. I'd love to have tulips, but they are munched as soon as the green shoots come up. I got to walk today, too!

    1. Maybe daffodils are hardier? I adore tulips - the deer don't come up to my house, so I just plant them close. But rabbits have eaten the flowers off all the pansies I planted!

  2. Nice daffodils, my fav., and you have tulips up already. Are they early? Mine come in June usually.

    I'm taking a break from this late winter clime to go over to Seattle, indulge the grandkids and see some green.

    1. Late March is when I usually see tulips here - they are actually a little late this year!

  3. It really is. And I am aiming to replant some of my pot daffodils, although most times, all that comes up the next year is leaves. I try to do the right things but suspect I don't have the gardening knack.

    1. Do they bloom the following year? Sometimes they need a year to get established.

  4. Good for you, made a note of the movie, what was the book? We still have snow on the ground but your daffies give me hope :)


    1. The book was "Handle with Care" by Jodi Picoult. About a family whose daughter has osteogenesis imperfect (brittle bone disease) and the mom sues her best friend/OB for wrongful birth. Interesting questions in it about medical ethics.

  5. sun shining through pedals - tough to beat that.

  6. And you deserved a break after all the work you've done over the past couple of weeks. So, good for you!

    "It's such a wonderful time of year."

    It sure is. Wasn't this weekend beautiful? I was outside all day today enjoying the perfect weather.

    Gorgeous flowers! The colors just POP with happiness!

    Enjoy the rest of your evening, girl!

    1. Past month!

      I was puling into my driveway and caught sight of the sun through that last daffodil and had to run back with my camera. So cheery!

  7. i would say def harvest a few for yourself to take with you....
    and def you deserve the rest after all you have been doing...
    spent the day writing grad papers...and missed the sun
    but i am a week away from a break myself....smiles.

    1. A week's not too bad - I hope you get good weather for your break!

  8. I've never tried to harvest bulbs. I've had a few given to me, but I'm not much of a flower person.

  9. I think the saddest thing about any move for me, in regards to the house and yard, is leaving behind my plants that I have carefully arranged and mothered. I uprooted some and brought them with me to the next location. But its hard to tell if they will thrive where I am going. It has worked and it has failed too.
    Having said that, there will be the thrill of creating in the new place and watching that come together.
    Spring is making me much happier. Enjoy your yard and son.

    1. I was looking around and wishing I could dig up some of the shrubs I've planted. But I know I'll enjoy starting with a new yard, so I have that to look forward to.

  10. Sounds like a well deserved break with how you spent this weekend! Probably just what your body and mind needed! Those tulips are beautiful!


    1. Yes, it was exactly what my body and mind needed!

  11. you have flowers blooming!!!!!
    I've read that book and found it most interesting. All through it I was wishing I knew someone else who had read it to talk it over with.

    1. I've had flowers blooming for weeks now.

      It really was a book club sort of book, wasn't it? So many interesting relationship and ethical issues.

  12. You deserve a break or two or three.

    Your lovely flower pics have me in the mood to see some out my front window. Should be soon--very soon. Enjoy your Monday.

    1. I'll probably not do much other than maintenance for the whole month!

  13. Your lovely spring flowers!
    I've successfully moved snowdrops (that prefer to be lifted in clumps rather than by single bulbs. I also put hyacinths (that have been flowering in indoor pots) outside in containers once they are over.They often come up the next year and look lovely.
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

    1. I've done that with hyacinths and paperwhites that I've had indoors for Christmas, and they keep coming back.

  14. I love your flowers, especially the first daffodil. So pretty!

  15. Sounds like a perfect weekend. Glad you took some time for yourself. The movie sounds interesting, I looked it up!

    1. I really liked it, but I tend to like fairly quirky movies.

  16. I love tulips and crocuses. I also love cherry blossom, and we have a huge cherry blossom tree in our front yard which is about to flower in its usual spectacular fashion.

    1. I have a sand cherry tree with gorgeous pink flowers I planted a few years ago.

  17. I think that you have deserved it. I have taken a break from facebook to catch up with my reading and backlog of movies to watch. I think that I will send for a DVD of The Scapegoat. Seems interesting.

    1. You would probably like it - really interesting character development.
