Sunday, August 4, 2013

More Avian Adventures

From my vacation in SC earlier this summer:
Great White Herons, the slightly smaller cousins of my beloved Great Blue Herons.
Brown Egrets in the swamp.
 Snowy egret landing on a branch.
 Osprey, perched by the nest which looks over the marsh.
The lunch crowd at the shrimp boat.
Terns, which will circle your head and squawk if you get close to their nesting area.
And it sounds like this^.
 Snowy egret strolling on the beach.
These skimmers have bills longer on the bottom that top. They fly just barely above the water, trailing their lower bill and snapping up food from the surface.
 Brown pelicans and a gull.
Pelican footprints - they have big feet!
 Herons and dowichers wading in a little tide pool.
Laughing gull having a serious moment. Sometimes they are not amused.