Monday, August 5, 2013

One of those "Seriously?" moments.

Remember when I was in the midst of all that de-cluttering and I cleaned out the closets and dressers in my bedroom, winnowing down my clothing? The only drawer I didn't bother with was the center drawer, which holds my bras and, since I share a bathroom with my sons, the stuff I need to get ready in the morning.  It's not like you really can fold bras anyway, and I have always just stuffed them into one side of the drawer and then rummaged through to find the one I want. Until the other day when I saw a great idea for laying them in a row, tucked into each other.  So I pulled them all out and did that (except for the ones that fasten in the middle, those are at the end folded in half). And then counted. Holy hell, I have 35 bras. And not a single ratty or disliked one in the lot, so nothing I could make myself get rid of. And, incidentally, this doesn't include the five running bras I keep with my exercise clothes.  How did this happen? Looks like I'm set for a long, long time. Either that, or it looks like I'm planning on opening a lingerie shop for a very specific type of customer. Say, small-boned women who wear a 34C.  I need an intervention.