Friday, November 23, 2012

"Only got twenty dollars in my pocket."

In honor of Black Friday, a day on which I do NOT go shopping, my new favorite video. My younger son showed it to me and I love the rapper's subversive, anti-consumerism message.
"I wear your granddad's clothes, I look incredible, 
I'm in this big ass coat from that thrift shop down the road." (Macklemore)


  1. My own contribution to anti-consumerism is that I always try to avoid designer labels. All they mean is that I'm paying way over the odds. I've never worn Armani, Gucci, Calvin Klein or most of the trendy names. And I always look for discounts and the cheapest shops. I do look in thrift shops but I don't think I've ever found anything I liked or that fit me.

  2. I like a bargain but would never queue at the sales!

  3. smells like Rkelly's i like the thrift shop...

  4. Online shopping is the way I roll!

  5. that was f*cking awesome. hahaha totally sharing this with my girls who are dedicated thrift store shoppers.

  6. I did enjoy this and I know there are tremendous bargains at thrift shops. I get most of my clothes through them if I can since I work at home and live in jeans and sweatshirts or jeans and tee-shirts, why pay $30 for a shirt when I can get one for $3 or less. I too am not shopping today :)


    1. I am a very casual dresser in my off hours, and don't have any need for expensive clothes.

  7. Love it, posted it on FB for all us thrift shoppers! Awesome!


  8. My daughter is a thrift shopping queen! She never pays full price for anything!

  9. LOVE it! I am a great one for thrift store shopping. I have my little rounds where I check out what has come in...sometimes I cross my fingers and wait to see if the tag color will come up at some point half price before it is gone. I'm easily amused...and rather poor.
    Did shop yesterday (Black Friday), but only bought some ice cream :)

    1. My mother and I had to run out and get some grocery items for dinner, but that was it.

  10. Black Friday - Because only in America, people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.
    I found that here -

    1. This year, it started the evening of Thanksgiving itself.

  11. Other than food, I shop when there is no other choice. Once every year or more I replace socks, jeans, etc. I am entertained occasionally while in Seattle going with the youngest to thrift stores, but shopping as an activity has no appeal to me.
    Having said that, while living in Germany a couple years ago, the daily grocery shopping (small fridge) was a lot of fun, the bakeries, wurst shops, etc.

    1. I like to shop once in a while, but I pretty much only buy things that are on sale.

  12. We had to stop at a few stores on Black Friday due to kind of an emergency (my mom broke her glasses and needed a few pairs for reading until she could get the other pair fixed), but otherwise I would stay far away.

  13. My DD and I were talking about this catchy tune this weekend! I must admit I didn't pay close enough attention to the words, I will now:)

  14. I saw your sales on TV and I thought no way would i risk my life going shopping in those crowds. I reall do not like shopping fullstop, except maybe for chocolate. That does not count. As for labels, not on your life.
