Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lately, we've been getting perfect running weather.

One rainy day a while back, I hit the gym early and hopped on a treadmill.  I was in a running mood, so I plugged into my music and turned the speed up, and ran for 50 minutes. A couple of treadmills down was an older woman. I overheard her say to the man next to her, "Why is she doing that? Doesn't she know it's easier if you walk?"
When the weather cooperates, though, I much prefer running and walking outside. Generally, I go out to the lake.  I often run first along the road that skirts the water, including that first stretch of park at the bottom, and then out along the dam. Round two is along that squiggly path through woods and hayfields. I wish there was more of that dirt path to run, instead of so much pavement.
I use a running app on my phone, which announces at five minute intervals my distance and pace. Usually 3 or so miles, but last Sunday I managed 5.3 miles. I had been running a nice steady almost 12-minute mile (I know, I'm slow), but the last half mile I felt like I was running through mud, and my pace bogged way down, too, until I just quit. Still, this is my new record for distance, so I'm feeling pretty good about it.  And I'm enjoying it, which is the main goal.
Also? It allows me to have a dinner like this without thinking twice about it.