Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lately, we've been getting perfect running weather.

One rainy day a while back, I hit the gym early and hopped on a treadmill.  I was in a running mood, so I plugged into my music and turned the speed up, and ran for 50 minutes. A couple of treadmills down was an older woman. I overheard her say to the man next to her, "Why is she doing that? Doesn't she know it's easier if you walk?"
When the weather cooperates, though, I much prefer running and walking outside. Generally, I go out to the lake.  I often run first along the road that skirts the water, including that first stretch of park at the bottom, and then out along the dam. Round two is along that squiggly path through woods and hayfields. I wish there was more of that dirt path to run, instead of so much pavement.
I use a running app on my phone, which announces at five minute intervals my distance and pace. Usually 3 or so miles, but last Sunday I managed 5.3 miles. I had been running a nice steady almost 12-minute mile (I know, I'm slow), but the last half mile I felt like I was running through mud, and my pace bogged way down, too, until I just quit. Still, this is my new record for distance, so I'm feeling pretty good about it.  And I'm enjoying it, which is the main goal.
Also? It allows me to have a dinner like this without thinking twice about it.


  1. You should move up here, we have plenty of whackos for a client base, and outside running opportunities are many. Of course, as I write its minus 5, but that's a small thing.

    1. Not a small thing! An enormous, deal-breaker thing! Mid-December and I'm still running in shorts and a tank top!

    2. plus, should fish more, i doubt many of the clients i or secret agent have are whackos
      (I couldn't resist, cs)


  2. ooo dinner like that might actually get me to running as well...i appreciate the dirt path a whole lot more....and take it at a bit more leisurely pace...smiles.

    1. I've often said I have two basic modes - active and sloth. The sloth side of me likes nachos. And beer.

  3. that is an impressive time for a mile!! I try to walk a 15-minute mile at the gym's treadmill. I think my running days are over, LOL :)

    Good for you for getting out and exercising, that food looks yummy; definitely a motivator to keep running! Good too that the weather is cooperating that you are able to be out there still in shorts too!


    1. I am trying to take advantage of the weather and get out as much as I can before the cold hits.

  4. Wait. She's in a GYM and doesn't understand why someone would run on a treadmill? Pft.

    1. I'm sure she knows it's an option, but I think she thinks I'm going over-board. I go in early with the retirement crowd, so I'm the only one at that hour who ever runs.

  5. You're doing great! Keep at it and the distance and pace will increase quite naturally. And, yes, it's nice to be able to dine to heart's content.

    1. I don't have an interest in running faster, but I'd like 5 miles to come easily to me.

  6. The weather here has been decent, so I also have been trying to stay outdoors as long as I can. We set up a workout room in the basement, but I haven't been paying attention to how fast I go on the elliptical. I usually just do the course and then look at how many calories I burned.

    1. That's funny - I never notice the calories when I use a treadmill. The information just doesn't make intuitive sense to me.

  7. Even easier if you don't go to the gym at all. Even easier if you don't go anywhere. Even easier if you never get out of bed....

    Hey, lady, what do you think a gym is for exactly?

    1. She's there exercising, so I'm going to give her credit for that.

  8. i am duly impressed, ms dr cs

  9. My daughter uses a similar app and it also affords her the ability to eat anything she wants. :)

  10. It's also worth noting that running outside is actually a lot more work than running on a treadmill because you have to propel yourself forward as well as up and down, whereas on the treadmill you only have to do the up and down part and the belt does the rest. So if you're getting five outdoor miles that's even more of an accomplishment! Either way, I think you deserve that dinner and I think I want the same thing for dinner tonight... too bad I've been lazy today and don't deserve a treat at all.

    1. I read that to simulate flat outdoor running, you have to set the treadmill on a slight incline. But the other thing about outdoor running is that there are constant small adjustments you make since the ground is never perfectly smooth or level. And where I run - you are sometimes dodging squirrels!

      (I am not a believer in restraining myself from treats based on how much or little I've exercised.)

  11. When I use to run, I loved running outside because it seemed to make running more enjoyable to see nature all around me. Now, because running really bothers my knees, I go for brisk walks. That's one of the things I really enjoy about living in city. I don't take public transportation, I walk everywhere. Walking seems to suite my body. It gets the heart rate up and works my leg muscles, but it's gentle on my joints.

    Love the final photo of your meal. YUMMY!

    1. I do love that, and I'm thankful to have such a beautiful place to run in. If I lived in a city, I'd walk everywhere I could, too. Walking is my favorite exercise. Well... my favorite solitary exercise.

  12. Oh thanks for reminding about that - the beer I mean

  13. I guess I like to think in terms of, "I just worked off a Christmas cookie!" Because that's just about all the work out I can usually manage...........haha.

    1. That's precisely why I don't pay attention to calories - it seems discouraging to work that hard and it only be a cookie's worth.

  14. I enjoy outdoor exercise, mostly because I am more able to fool myself into not thinking of it as "exercise".

  15. my husband is a runner and i swear i have never desired to engage in that form of torture. i told him the other night i had a dream where i was running though and in it i had found a pace, slow as it was, where i felt like i could just run comfortably for a long, long time and it didn't hurt and i could breathe and it was just peaceful. he laughed and said i had a runner's high and that's what motivates him to run aside from the health benefits. i thought it was hilarious that i'd dream about it having NEVER experienced it in waking life.

    me? i'll stick to yoga. but i am glad you enjoy.

    1. I never did either until a year ago. Then suddenly it just hit for me, and now I enjoy it.

  16. Your dinner looks delicious!!! I love that path you walk/run.
    Way to go!
