Saturday, January 26, 2013

"I cannot see you -- that way you cannot see me: I am hidden."

Friday's ice storm (or what passes for ice storm this far South) caused all my patients to cancel and kept me at home yesterday. My steep driveway was covered with a sheet of ice and left me housebound. Might as well get my taxes done. I spent almost the entire day at this silly computer. For me, doing my taxes involved finishing entering all the practice's expenses and the last of the amounts from the remittance advices into spreadsheets, and downloading this year's edition of TurboTax. Nearly done, although I'll wait to efile when I've gone back over the numbers and so on. In the meantime, for the non-arachnophobes among you:


  1. what the heck is that spider doing? burying itself? taxes...ugh...still waiting on some W2s...could use some money back that is for sure...

    1. Apparently these spiders bury themselves for camouflage so they can get their prey.

  2. I did my own taxes once in the last 25 years. Once. It took nearly two years and an attorney to sort it out. Since retirement it's less complicated, but I still send the paperwork and this year a bottle of 1990 Barolo to my accountant and he does it for free.
    Ice huh, any tree damage?
    No way will I watch that video, spiders are works of the devil.

    1. I've done mine for years - when I discovered that I could do a better job than the accountant I was paying. I got audited last year but I wrote a letter explaining to them why they were wrong and they changed their minds.

      Spiders are our friends. And the narration with this is hysterical.

  3. I'm pissed off with our tax office. They lost my file for some reason and dealing with them has been such a pain. Lucky it's tax free in the middle east.

    1. It got lost when they transferred it to another branch. Without my consent too. Just caused me a lot of unnecessary problems during my declaration when I left the country.

  4. Thanks for the laugh....silly spider!

  5. I not only have a fear of spiders, but a fear of tax returns.
    I pay good money to have someone else deal with it. (the taxes, I have to kill my own spiders)

    1. I do all the accounting for the business, so doing the taxes is no big deal to me.

  6. I liked when the spider was scratching; who thinks up these things I wonder?

    Good for you being productive on a day when it would be easy not to be and to get your taxes done too. I think about them April 1 and make the appt to get them done around April 13. It something I don't look forward to yearly (yet the past years we've gotten refunds; go figure my reluctance to get them done)


    1. I think it's a pretty normal thing to anthropomorphize and talk for other creatures. I just ove that he decided to make a mini movie of it!

      I have to attend to my taxes early enough to give me time to get money into my retirement accounts.

  7. I have a deathly fear of spiders, but I loved this video, have watched it several times. Thanks!

    1. It's hard to be afraid of a spider with a Frech accent!

  8. Spiders freak me out, but this video was soooo funny and CLEVER! I watched it TWICE!!!

    Two years ago, I did my taxes using Turbo tax too and it was awesome. Normally, I do my taxes without it, but that year I found out that I owed money, so I used a friends copy of Turbo tax, just to make sure that I DID owe them money and yup...I sure did :(

    I haven't done this years taxes yet because I'm still waiting for one more W2 to arrive.

    And my fingers are crossed that I don't owe them any money.

    1. Wasn't it great? Oh ho ho ho ho ho!

      Yeah, owing money is no fun. But I do most years. And even when I don't, like this year, my refund gets applied directly to my first quarter estimated taxes!

  9. Did that spider have a "French" accent? A Cajun spider, perhaps?

    1. I think just regular French - he didn't sound Cajun to me.

  10. We never get all our 1099 forms until about the end if February, even though its supposed to be a 1/31 deadline, so I won't bother even getting started. For some reason, I didn't know you had a steep driveway. Ours is steep here too and it's been a real bitch in the snow, getting up it in the minivan. When we first looked at the house, that was my main concern. On the plus side, sitting on a hill here means no flooding from the storm sewers like at our old place.

    1. My driveway is steep in the other direction - I have to go up a hill to get out. So I do get floodings (but from rain, not storm sewers). Next house I buy will not be down a hill.

  11. Hahahaha!!! That spider video was great!!!

    I hate the very thought of doing tax returns. I get far more shivers down my spine contemplating that, than I do contemplating the horrors of grappling with numbers!

    1. Isn't that funny?

      This year's taxes were surprisingly easy.

  12. Great spider video.
    Funny..... my rabbits hide their heads under things and I feel quite sure they feel that they are hidden from view even though their bodies are very visable.
    As a rule I can't abide spiders. It is their quick movement, I think that gets to me.

    The very thought of doing tax returns, turns my stomach. Think I would prefer to deal with a spider than do that task!
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

    1. Very young kids also don't get it that not being able to see someone doesn't mean they cant be seen. That's why they love peek-a-boo!

  13. Watching that spider video is definitely much more interesting than doing taxes...though I have been using Turbo Tax to do my returns for years as well.

    1. At least TurboTax guides you though it. It's easier than when I used to just do them using the forms.

  14. Way to go on taking advantage of the day and working on your taxes. I did not watch the video....eww!

  15. I need to get started on taxes too. I can't do my own for a while as I have to wait for paperwork, but there are others to do.

    1. I think I have all the paperwork I need, but I always wait a while to be sure.

  16. Loove the spider! What fun. Is s/he an indoor or an outdoor spider? I hope it found a good home eventually:)

    1. I found that video, so I know nothing about the spider's personal circumstances. However, it appears to be living in a sand-filled glass tank so I assume the French guy has it as a pet.

  17. OH, I hate spicers, and can't bring myself to watch the video. You are very energetic to use a suprise day off to get a bothersome job done. Yay you! I would have taken it easy.

    1. Oh, but it's so incredibly cute. Not the spider, but the narration.

      My motive wasn't that noble. Buckling down that day gives me a later day off, when it will be pretty enough to want to be outside.

  18. Ugh. Taxes.

    And that spider is so CUTE!

  19. Check out the new animation, starring our friend above. The link comes at the end of the clip above.

    (As far as I'm concerned, he can keep his spider kisses, but it's cute.)

  20. That video gave me a giggle :) My taxes are quite simple, but I am always very relieved to have that bit of paperwork out of the way for another year.

  21. Awesome video :) I also showed at my work place .. everyone liked it
