Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Post-holiday slump.

Although the holidays are a busy time in my business, the post-holiday season is often just a little weird. Maybe folks are feeling let-down or overwhelmed or realizing that they've over-spent. At any rate, therapy takes some unusual twists this time of year. Like the person who refused to re-schedule because I would not tell her I was okay with her cutting. Really - in what universe would you expect your shrink to say, "Sure, slice into your skin! What are razor blades for?!" Or when someone responded to my question with, "Duh!," he took offense when I quietly suggested that perhaps that sort of response might be the reason he has a hard time keeping friends. And I've had an unusual percentage of people showing up at the wrong time, convinced that I was in error until they found their appointment cards later. So when the electrical transformer next to my office burst into flames and knocked out the power this afternoon, I wasn't sorry to call it a day.
Until I get my motivation for big projects back, I'm concentrating on little ones. My sister had told me about an on-line clothing store based on an odd premise - they buy up small lots of clothing, offer them for a few days only at deep discounts.  You just have to check to see if there is anything in your size that you really like on any given day.  BUT, there are no returns.  To try them out, I decided to buy a blazer for work.   But I vacillated between two, adding them and removing them from the virtual cart while I made up my mind.  When the box finally arrived (their shipping system is a bit of a mystery as well), I realized I must have hit the order button with both in there.  Thankfully, they were very inexpensive, fit like they'd been made for me, and were different enough in cut that it wasn't a huge issue.  But they both had big ugly plastic buttons that were nicked.
Next time I was in town, I went to a fabric store to get replacement buttons.  Who even knew there were so many different buttons to be had?  Literally thousands, in a dizzying array of colors and styles.  I fell into a stupor and wandered around with a photo of the jackets on my phone for 45 minutes, trying to decide.  There is such a thing as too much choice. (And yes, that's another metaphor.)
And sewing on those buttons is the only productive thing I did that day.  Today's task was un-decorating the tree and carting the bins down to the basement. Tomorrow, who knows?  I may even take the actual tree out to the road. Yeah. Winter just doesn't sit well with me.


  1. It's true, this time of the year (especially during February) seems to be a slow and low productive time for many people. You're right, it just a weird time.

    Hey, I'm totally lovin' both button designs you chose. Also, they look totally faaaaabulous on that blouse and jacket. Those two pieces are really lovely. They look vintage.

    1. February is the worst. I HATE February.

      They're actually both jackets - but thanks! I thought vintage-looking buttons were a much better match than the ugly plastic ones they came with.

  2. ah that was plenty productive...ha...pretty cool on the wife peruses a few of those kind of sites...looking for that you can make a little alteration and its new....

    1. Considering how much of the day I spent lazing around, it actually was a relief to get something accomplished.

  3. where is this site? what is it called? I want new jackets on the cheap! Those are cute.

    1. It's They mostly have kids and maternity stuff, but also some regular clothes. Each day it's different stuff and some days there's not a thing that would interest me and other days stuff I like.

  4. I think the longer nights have an effect on most all of us. Of course some have serious problems with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Maybe all of us get a touch of it during winter.
    I wonder if there is a way to work "cute as a button" into this comment. Really why are buttons so cute anyway?

    1. Longer nights (or more to the point, shorter days) = increased melatonin production = increased lethargy/depression. And also, I think the holidays themselves are an anxious/depressing time for many people and can leave people emotionally wrung out.

      Cute because they are little, I think.

  5. Beat ya! I got the tree all the way out to the porch yesterday. The dining room table, however, is still a mess of decorations to be boxed up and stored. Maybe tomorrow. Meanwhile, I work two days a week in a counselling office and can vouch for everything you say. It's like everyone is dazed that they survived all the reunions and forced family fun! I love it there though...never a dull moment!

    1. Then it's a draw, since all my decorations are neatly stored away.

      I always have very mixed feelings about the holidays, but this year wasn't too bad.

  6. I can only imagine the post-holiday weirdness you encounter in your line of work. These grey months can make anyone feel like there isn't much to look forward to. I am looking towards the return of daylight savings time and it being light when I get off work!
    Love the jackets and the buttons you chose. I'm sure you put your good taste to work in other areas too :)

    1. I start longing for the return of daylight savings time the day we lose it. I like my extra light at he end of the day.

      And thank you!

  7. Gorgeous jacket, SAW, just lovely. And the buttons are terrific.

    I had a touch of SAD in past years but am on 10,000 btu of Vit D a day as it made such a difference to Daughter's life (she has MS) and I can't begin to tell you the difference it has made.


    1. Thanks! And that's great that you found something that worked so well. In the bleakest months here I sometimes drink my morning coffee in front of a blue light. No idea if it's helping, since I just bought it last year. But I think my problem is more with cold. I hate being cold. Hate it.

  8. Ahh, the well timed power failure.

    When I did consulting, our office was located in an out of the way rural area on a wooded lot. The power went out there a few times a year--much to the applause of employees. And then technology came along and allowed us to work from anywhere--yuck in that regard.

    1. I much preferred the couple of times when it happened when I was getting paid for being there - now it represents a loss of income for me. But in this day, stopping a little early was still fine by me.

  9. and this is why we have an artificial tree so it doesn't have to be dragged out but just stuffed back into the box that seems to shrink from year to year

    It is hard to get motivated these days when it is cold outside and I live somewhere where cold is warmer than most people's warm temps; I'm always glad when spring rolls around


    1. I jus can't do an artificial tree. And around here, the trees are ground into mulch and made into fish habitats at the lake so I don't mind dragging it out.

  10. Did she really expect you to say "Cutting? Why not? It's all the rage...."

    I love the blazers, and the new buttons. And I know what you mean about spending 45 minutes trying to choose. I've been there enough times!

    1. I think she was hoping. Not that I've ever been able to stop her before.

      Thanks. I'm both glad for the choices and also overwhelmed by them.

  11. I'm always in a funk come January. I made it a point to schedule three dates with friends this week, just to give me something to look forward to.

    1. I tried that three date thing last weekend, and there's still winter to get through.

  12. So one might ask themselves... which jacket would I like to see my shrink in, the frilly feminine one, or the more staid schoolmarm one? You wouldn't happen to be a Gemini would you?

    1. I assure you, no one has ever accused me of looking staid or schoolmarmish. That darker jacket has curved seams, so it's made to fit me, and I wore it with an above-the-knee skirt, boots, and a burn out lace shirt. And no, I'm a Libra. Balance, man.

  13. Oh it does sound like it's been a frustrating time! Take pleasure in your button task, job well done my friend!!

    PS a soother, is a pacifier :)

    1. Ah. Well, that makes sense. SOmehow, I just couldn't picture what you were talking about.

  14. Post-holidays is a weird time everywhere, I think. Great shot of the fire outside your office, and what an inarguably good reason to knock off early for the day.

  15. Those are beautiful jackets! I love when I order something online and it fits beautifully.

    I vaguelly remember playing with buttons when I was a kid. My mom had this huge plastic carrying case with lots of drawers, and many of them had buttons in them. It was fascinating.

    1. Me, too! And I did the same thing. Just recently, my older son was looking at a big container of buttons and said his girlfriend loved buttons, so I gave them to her.

  16. Reminded me of when my eldest came home during grad school with some friends to go backpacking, June 21, I think. The next morning I heard language that'd shock a sailor coming from the kitchen. She was looking outside at 8" new snow.
    We have two months that are semi-reliable for no snow: July and Aug.
    Supposed to put down a foot today, c'mon up.

    1. There is NO language that would shock a sailer. Trust me on this. I was raised by a sailor and have dated several of them.

  17. It's still something, no matter how small!

  18. We only have one aisle of buttons here. Frankly, I wouldn't mind even more choice.

    1. It was just that it took forever to look through them all.

  19. Cute jackets! I hear you about winter. No matter how hard I try to embrace it I still end up hibernating through most of it.

  20. Those are such cute little jackets and I love the buttons. I got all my decorations down, packed and put up. Staying off the computer really helps me to get stuff done around here.

    1. Thank you. And good for you for geting that taken care of.

  21. the buttons are lovely. i love buttons bit too much that i tend to buy them for craft works.
