Thursday, January 31, 2013

So brazen!

I hang out ears of corn, I throw out torn pieces of bread, and even buy them peanuts in the shell. And how do they repay my generosity?
By raiding the birdfeeders and sneaking onto the deck to steal the last of my Swiss Chard. And I just watch. Damn their Disneyesque cuteness.


  1. they are crafty fellows...ha...i love squirrels though...smiles.

  2. Their cuteness is definitely powerful :)

  3. While I find them interesting to watch, I don't think of Disney characters when I see them. There's no loyalty or honor with squirrels.

  4. I find them awfully cute too. And have the same issues with them. Corn everywhere, and peanuts too, but still they hang upside down from the birdfeeder and steal the sunflower seeds.

  5. I had a former commenter named Russ who wrote hilarious posts about his battles with squirrels in his attic! I like them best outdoors, but they really are adorable.

  6. Opportunistic they indeed are! But you are right, they are cute :)


  7. OMG, can I just tell you how much of a SMILE this post put on my face?

    I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE squirrels! I actually wish I could have one as a pet. I know they can be very mischievous when it comes to getting food, but their cute little faces just make me melt.

    Great photo captures!

  8. Well, sometimes a guy just needs some nuts to go with his beer, or feels like a nice salad. Corn can only go so far, and those shelled peanuts are bothersome to open.

  9. Is it true that they eventually start leaving gifts like pinecones and stuff at your door?

    Well, that's what I heard that they do.

  10. I feed them too. But I always find a way to hang a bird feeder so that they can't get into it. Usually under the eves of the house close to a window so that the squirrels can't quite hang over the edge of the roof and swing into it. Every now and then one will plummet past the window, landing with a thud. Makes me laugh every time. But the little buggers are persistent, I'll give them that.

  11. Inconsiderate. At least they could leave a tip for your wonderful food-service efforts.

  12. They are so clever and cute! But like cats, they will not do what you want but have to follow their own way. How I hope that DWei's comment is true:))

  13. Me too. Me too. But they are ingenious. I love watching them eat upside down from a tree branch, nose just barely hitting the feeder.


  14. Well, we do need a balanced diet! Thanks for all the food.

  15. Such beautiful creatures. And such devilishly cunning little scavengers.

  16. So cute and adorable .... Everyone love food no matter what :) smiling

  17. Your so sweet to them. We don't have squirrels where we live. We do see them up North in Mammoth Lakes each summer or at the beach in LaJolla, CA. Years ago in Chicago they would tease our dogs!

  18. So ungrateful! We have black squirrels and they are not shy about taking whatever is available.

  19. Greedy little critters. I know a lot of people like that, too.
